
Showing posts from June, 2019

How to Setup Magento 2.3 PWA Studio With Custom Theme

In Magento developer community, we see that there is an arising question about how to deploy one's own custom theme based on Venia concept of Magento PWA Studio. Since doing this yourself can be somewhat tricky, we have created a package that helps you do just that in the simplest way possible. In fact, it takes you only 4 simple steps. Let's do it! 1. Clone pwa-studio pwa-studio repository Clone the PWA Studio repository into your development environment. git clone cd pwa-studio cp packages/venia-concept/.env.dist packages/venia-concept/.env 2. Modify package.json Modify package.json file. You can change "simi-studio" to any name you want. Under "workspaces": "workspaces": [ ... "packages/upward-spec", "packages/simi-studio" ], Under "scripts": "scripts": ... "watch:venia": "yarn workspace @magento/venia-concept run watch; cd - >/dev/

Progressive Web Apps (PWA): Top 3 Case Studies

Imagine that you have just launched your start-up and your website looks awesome, but you don’t have enough budget to develop a mobile app, which may be important to your business strategy. However, it is very expensive and a bit risky. You will also have to spend a lot of time building a  native app , but nobody knows your brand well. Will people trust your application​ enough to download it from the App Store or Google Play Store? What’s more – will your customers/readers be determined enough to take some additional steps like closing your website, opening Google Play or the App Store and then patiently wait till the app has installed? Remember that people are much more demanding these days. In other words, they are also very impatient – they expect fast solutions . Downloading such an app from an external store doesn’t sound like a very quick operation and native apps are not very accessible for every user. From the User Experience point of view, there are many obstacles for the cu

PWAs on iOS 13 beta: Here Comes Good News

This Latest Beta Version Causes Excitement This week, a groan went through the ranks of many developers. New iOS 13 features are poised to change your iPhone software – they were announced by Apple at its WWDC 2019 keynote, and the first iOS 13 beta is available now. Well, things are a little different this year, as iOS 13 for iPad will actually be called iPadOS. Along with much-improved performance, a new Dark Mode and a completely overhauled Maps app, there are some new improvements regarding Progressive Web Apps and it totally made my day. We'll point out the newest changes of PWAs on iOS 13 beta compared to it on the older iOS versions. As we've known, one year after the first initial support for PWAs on iOS, Apple released iOS 12.2 (September 2018) for iPhone and iPads with what it seems to be  the biggest step forward in the last year, addressing the two most annoying problems we’ve been dealing with PWAs : reload effect and OAuth logins. Of course, we'll discuss more