9 Best Quick Order Extensions for Magento 1 & 2

Running a B2B store can be challenging as it generally involves more complicated purchase process. To streamline the ordering experience for B2B buyers, Magento merchants need a special approach. In this case, Quick Order is the must-have extension for any business looking to make purchasing in bulk faster and easier for their B2B clients. Fortunately, there are several options of Magento Quick Order extensions available for you as a store owner to choose from.

Below we'll suggest the best Quick Order extensions compatible with Magento 1 & 2 that promise to make high-volume purchases felt like a breeze.

Top 10 Magento Quick Order Extensions in 2018

1. Wholesale Fast Order by Bsscommerce - Magento 1 & 2 

Top Magento Quick Order Extensions in 2018

Developed by the Magento Select Extension Builder Bsscommerce, Wholesale Fast Order is great for online B2B business to become more professional. The extension offers an user-friendly way to order large quantities of known products. By adding a block on the cart page, it allows users to skip product detail pages and add products right to their cart with product SKUs or names. The extension is compatible with all product types, except for bundle products.

Key features:

For users

  • Quick order with fast order form shown in a popup or CMS Page

  • Ajax search by product SKUs and names and auto-suggestion with product details such as names, images, prices..

  • Automatically calculate total amount before adding products to cart

  • Order a large quantity faster with CSV import function for simple products without custom options

  • Show popup of product attributes and custom options for configurable products

  • Update subtotal price automatically when customers change quantity of products

  • Show tooltips when hovering on attributes of configurable product

For admin

  • Configure to show Fast Order form in a CMS page or Popup

  • Choose which customer groups to apply Wholesale Fast Order

  • Customize a minimum number of characters before auto complete results and minimum number of results shown

  • Allow showing simple products which are not visible in Fast Order form

  • Allow hiding specific products with customer groups

  • Ability to save customer’s session in Fast Order form


Magento 1: $79 (Community) | $129 (Enterprise)

Magento 2: $119 (Community) | $219 (Enterprise)


Magento 1: Frontend | Backend

Magento 2: Frontend | Backend

2. Quick Order for Magento 2 by Magewares

Top Magento Quick Order Extensions in 2018

This Quick Order extension is created by the certified Magento developers from Magewares. The Premier Magento Extension Builder promises that the B2B must-have extension will help businesses delight their customers and increase sales with its hassle-free shopping experience. It saves their time in adding multiple products with desired quantities by just entering the part number and add items to their cart - all in one place.

Key features:

  • Customers can find and order products by name or by sku without navigating to other pages

  • Auto suggest products based on the search keyword.

  • Order products from the quick order popup

  • Support simple and configurable products.

  • Quickly add large quantities by specifying the product name/ sku and with the number of products

  • Easily configure the number of product rows.

  • Flexibility to change the number of characters needed for product auto suggest to work in the popup.

  • Ability to configure the position or change the color of the quick order button

Price: $119 (Community) | $200 (Enterprise)

3. Magento 2 Quick Order by Mageplaza

Top Magento Quick Order Extensions in 2018

With the focus on convenience and efficiency of bulk ordering for professional wholesalers, the Select Magento Extension Buider Mageplaza developed the Quick Order Extension for Magento 2. Within a few clicks, the extension allows wholesale buyers to add items in bulk to their cart and checkout more conveniently. Mageplaza Quick Order is claimed to be the comprehensive solution for B2B ecommerce store on Magento 2 platform to eliminate most cart abandonment.

Key features:

Instant Product Search: Users can type product name and easily pick an item among greatly accurate suggestions. Another option is to search by SKU, a product will be shown along with its name, image, atrributes to pick up.

Bulk Add to cart: Search for products in large quantities and add all to cart by simply uploading a csv file, or enter multiple SKUs for users who had a well prepared list.

Optimized Quick Order Page: The page is kept as simple and user friendly as possible, allowing customers to:

  • View product images, SKUs and subtotals of all items on one page

  • Select product attributes right on the Quick Order page

  • Adjust product quantity by hitting the plus/minus buttons or entering the exact number

  • Duplicate or delete product from list

  • Add products to list or clear products

  • Add all products from list to cart with one click

High customizability: The extension is highly customizable to fit any Magento store:

  • 3 positions to place Quick Order link 3 positions: by the Search box, Top menu or Footer

  • Display Quick Order page to specific groups of customers

  • Set route name and page title for the Quick Order page

  • Create/edit/display message to notify customers who have no permission to access Quick Order page

  • Set the minimum number of characters to begin search and limit the number of product search results

  • Choose heading background color, heading text color and heading button background

Price: $199 (Community/Enterprise)

4. Quick Order Magento 2 by DCKAP

Top Magento Quick Order Extensions in 2018

The Quick Order extension built by the Magento Professional Solution Partner is ideal for B2B ecommerce environment where customers have to deal with a large quantities of products. The extension facilitates customer need for a faster ordering system by providing the ability to add multiple products without having to navigate to all categories to find them. It best fits the frequently ordered items to allow for a quick and efficient bulk re-ordering process.

Key features:


For users

  • Search and order products from the quick order popup without navigating to other pages.

  • Support simple and configurable products.

  • Different products can be easily added using dynamic rows.

  • Add multiple products quickly by specifying the SKU and the quantity of the products.

For admin

  • Configure the number of rows to be displayed in the popup, which is used to order the products.

  • Change the separator for SKU and quantity from the backend settings.

  • Set the minimum number of characters needed for product auto suggest to work.

  • add quick order on any CMS Page using widget option

Price: $249 (Community) | $349 (Enterprise)

5. Quick Order for Magento 2 by MageDelight

Top Magento Quick Order Extensions in 2018

Another great Quick Order extension is provided by MageDelight, a Magento Enterprise Solution Partner. The extension is built around the idea to smoothen the process of bulk product order by placing large order with minimum number of clicks. It supports all product types, allowing even guest users to access its quick order features. The extension is much useful for B2B  sellers looking to improve shopping experience for their customers as wholesalers.

Key features:

  • Use individual SKU and view product detail before placing an order

  • Search and order products using SKU from frontend

  • Add multiple products to cart at one time using CSV file

  • Allow selected customer groups to access order by SKU feature

  • Enabled Autosuggestion on SKU input

  • Supports all product types: simple, configurable, bundled, grouped, downloadable, virtual product and simple product with custom options.

  • Allow Guest Users to use quick order feature

Price: $99 (Community) | $199 (Enterprise)

Built by the Premier Magento Extension Builder, the extension aims at assisting customers to place large orders online more conveniently. This feature rich extension can boost online experience for wholesalers by providing them services that save their time, money and energy. The wholesale Fast Order extension is perfect to offer an useful option for customers to add multiple items to their cart quickly and easily.

Key features:

For users

  • Shortcut at top allows for easy access to fast order for all customers

  • Search for products by both SKUs or names with Ajax search and auto-suggest

  • Quick order with CSV import function can be used for simple products without custom options

  • Support simple products with custom options and configurable products

For admin

  • Admin can set Fast order option for Particular Customer group.

  • Set how many default number of lines ”Add Lines” likes to show on frontend

  • Limit Search result from backend to make better search.

Price: $89 (Community) | $159 (Enterprise)

7. Advance Quick Order by MageBright

Top Magento Quick Order Extensions in 2018

To provide an improved ordering experience for all users, the extension adds a quick order popup that is accessible from all pages. Using this extension, Magento merchants will be able to help their customers find several products of their choice without browsing through categories or product detail pages.

Key features:

  • Support four types of products (Simple, Configurable, Virtual and Downloadable Products)

  • For Simple Products, this extension only supports drop-down, radio and checkbox custom options

  • Automatically suggest items by typing a product search by name or SKU

  • Quickly add and remove text boxes

  • Limit the number of input boxes for quick order form, configurable from admin panel

  • Multi-Store Support

  • Support Magento Community version 1.x

Price: $39 (Community 1.x)

Usernamr: quickorder

Password: quickorder123


8. Advance Quick Order by SetuBridge - Magento 1 & 2 

Top Magento Quick Order Extensions in 2018

The Advance Quick Order is especially designed to minimize the number of steps to place wholesale bulk orders for B2B customers. The extension adds a simple way to add products with an autocomplete search box. Its autosuggestion allows users to pick up items instantly and add all to cart with one click.

Key features:

  • Popup to show quick order form on all the pages

  • Automatically suggest items by typing a few SKU

  • One click action to add simple multiple products in shopping cart

  • Add new line button, so the customer can insert additional fields as needed

  • Support simple products without custom options

  • CSV import feature to add to cart bunch of SKUs

  • Limit the number of results shown in a list from admin-panel

  • Auto search character limit, result in item count, default visible text-boxes in quick form, etc. all can be configured from an admin panel

  • Quick Order form position, animation & link-button label, all can be customisable from an admin panel

Price: $49 (Magento 1) | $99 (Magento 2)


Magento 1: Frontend | Backend

Username: quickorder

Password: admin123

Magento 2: Frontend | Backend

Username: quickorder

Password: quickorder123456


9. Quick Order for Magento 2 by Evince Development

Top Magento Quick Order Extensions in 2018

With the help of Quick Order extension, customers will be able to add multiple products along with required quantities in a fast and efficient way. It reduces the multi-step order process for users who have the product name or sku of which they want to purchase. Signed in customers or guests can use quick order from the link located at the top of any page to search and place orders without navigating to other pages.

Key features:

  • Customers can order all types of products.

  • Different products can be easily added using dynamic rows.

  • Add multiple products quickly by specifying the SKU and the quantity of the products in a text area.

  • Admin can change the number of results needed for product auto suggest to work for the search.

Price: $149 (Community 2.x)

Demo: Frontend | Backend

Username: quickorder

Password: quickorder123

See also:


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