How your Magento store can benefit from Google AMP

Mobile shopping continues to grow at an incredible speed. While more than half of web traffic comes from mobile, mobile conversions are significantly lower than desktop. With the average time it takes to fully load an mobile page has reached 15 seconds, it's not hard to see why its conversion rate lag behind. Today, mobile shoppers are becoming increasingly tech-savvy and demand content delivered to them fast. Most of them will leave mobile sites taking longer than 3 seconds to load and after 10 seconds, a whopping 77% of visitors will abandon the site. When speed doesn't just affect page views, it's important than ever for a mobile web store to load fast and maximize its revenue. To address this problem, google has launched AMP (Accelerated Mobile Page) to create user-friendly mobile pages that load instantly and perform better on mobile devices. The technology focuses on improving mobile web experience, which can be translated to better engagement and conversion for your Magento store.

What's AMP

AMP (Accelerated Mobile Page) is an open-source project by Google, focusing on creating lightweight mobile pages to reduce initial load time. Stored in Google's AMP cached, the web pages are capable of delivering super fast mobile experience that loads in mili-seconds. Using 10 times less data, an AMP can be loaded at a 4 times faster speed than conventional mobile pages.

Magento AMP

Since February 2016, Google has featured AMP in their mobile search results. This enables users to easily detect AMP marked with a lightning symbol from the search result, making it clear that your web page is boosted with AMP technology. This helps draw more visits from search to your mobile store as customers always seek for a quicker access to the products they need. A growing number of popular acquisition platforms have supported AMP, including Twitter, Pinterest, Bing, Facebook, Yahoo and more. If your Magento store relies on these platform to drive acquisition, AMP can help you better capture mobile shoppers to the sale funnel. Working seamlessly across browsers, AMP can be a powerful acquisition channel for your Magento store.

How AMP can boost your Magento site's performance

Consistently fast across all browsers

AMPs are light weight mobile pages with lean code, cached by Google and pre-rendered in an AMP viewer. The combination results in their hyper performance that loads consistently fast across all browsers. AMPs would be best for the early stages of the customer journey, where you aim at acquiring and engaging new customers. By using AMPs for the landing pages that fuel organic search traffic, you can be sure to offer an instant page load that makes the perfect first impression and minimize early bounce rate. According to Google, AMPs have contributed to 29% lift in the click-through rate from search. For your Magento store, the homepage, category, product page would make the best places to start your AMPs.

Mobile optimized

The most mobile sites are slow and bloated with too many elements, which is most likely to hurt their conversions. When mobile is leading the traffic, most merchants are leaving money on the table with their bloated pages. Such friction in its experience cause mobile shoppers to abandon the site and move on. Knowing that size does matter when it comes to mobile, AMPs are designed to block most of the bloated elements, allow for a better on-the-go experience. By reducing complexity in page content, AMPs bring a mobile optimized and frictionless shopping experience that maximizes mobile conversion.

SEO improved

While being an AMP itself doesn't directly affect the page ranking, its improved speed and mobile optimization does. As Google is aiming at catering to users' search experience, a fast and mobile friendly AMP will guarantee a healthy boost from the seach results. With better visibility and discovery on all browsers, an AMP is a great choice for Magento merchants to improve acquisition on mobile.

Tips to optimize AMP for your Magento store

Due to its benefits, a number of ecommerce leaders like eBay, Aliexpress have adopted this Google-backed technology.If you have decided to improve your web store performance with AMPs, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Google AMP


It's critical to make sure your these AMPs align with your own branding and styling. Being stripped of bloated content, your AMPs still need to maintain the most important branding elements like images, colors and styling to maximize user engagement. The transition from your Magento site to the AMP should be as seamless as possible to drive results. Brand alignment is the first step in creating the world-class AMP experience for ecommerce.


You need to make sure the AMPs automatically remain in sync with the latest content of your Magento site. With a change in your existing Magento site, the AMP should be able to update in real time for seamless alignment across all channels. To accomplish this, using CSS to customize dynamic data to fetch the latest data where needed. With automatic synchronization, your AMPs can ensure the freshest content delivered to mobile shoppers on their personal devices.


Make sure your AMPs are not the stripped down, functionless version of your existing Magento site. A high-quality AMP should  look and feel the same, mirror the fuctionality of your Magento site, but load instantly. If your original Magento site has product filtering, sorting, product carousel, option select and other features, the AMP should offer the same fuctionality. By delivering the same intuitive shopping experience at blazingly fast speed, you can be sure to make the most of these acquisition channels.

For a mobile-centric future

Being mobile-friendly is not enough when customers increasingly expect fast and seamless access to information on their mobile devices. Page speed is critical to keep these shoppers staying engaged and turn it into a valuable shopping journey. For any Magento store looking to gain an competitive edge on mobile, AMPs would be a perfect fit. By bringing a consistently fast and simplified shopping experience, you can make sure your store drive more traffic, reduce checkout friction and reinforce sales.


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