
Showing posts from July, 2018

10 best progressive web apps (PWAs) for ecommerce 2018

With consumer expectation at all time high, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are becoming the key initiative of ecommerce businesses for this coming year. Big winners in online retailing will continue to focus on making the mobile experience great for their customers. As the evolution in front-end web technology, PWAs promise to bring the high speed and slick experience of a native app to the mobile browsers. The technology has resulted in an incredibly improved performance, better user interaction and increased mobile conversion for the retailers embracing it properly. From user-friendliness to unmatched load speed, PWA is setting the new standards for web interaction best practices. By revolutionizing online shopping for customers, PWAs are expected to change and dominate the ecommerce landscape in 2018. This year we've seen a massive adoption of this modern web technology among online retailers of all sizes. A number of early adopters have already benefited from their successful tran

How your Magento store can benefit from Google AMP

Mobile shopping continues to grow at an incredible speed. While more than half of web traffic comes from mobile, mobile conversions are significantly lower than desktop. With the average time it takes to fully load an mobile page has reached 15 seconds , it's not hard to see why its conversion rate lag behind. Today, mobile shoppers are becoming increasingly tech-savvy and demand content delivered to them fast. Most of them will leave mobile sites taking longer than 3 seconds to load and after 10 seconds, a whopping 77% of visitors will abandon the site. When speed doesn't just affect page views, it's important than ever for a mobile web store to load fast and maximize its revenue. To address this problem, google has launched AMP (Accelerated Mobile Page) to create user-friendly mobile pages that load instantly and perform better on mobile devices. The technology focuses on improving mobile web experience, which can be translated to better engagement and conversion for you