SimiCart Push Notification Feature Update

SimiCart has been making huge processes of enhancing mobile marketing effectiveness for your stores, especially with Notification settings. Indeed, managing and executing marketing campaigns via Push Notification plugin is now much easier and more beneficial thanks to the following updates:

1. Customer Information Automatic Update

Normally, whenever your customers open your app, Push Notification plugin will immediately send Device ID and also other information including location, email, and App information to your server. But in the old version, the email field would not be filled if users didn’t voluntarily provide it first; and it can get worse: you wouldn’t get customers’ location via Push Notification plugin if location services were disabled.

simicart notification

In this updated version, Notification plugin will solve these issues above by automatically updating customers’ emails in the Device Manager as it would be required during the logging in or checking out process. Even though your customers don’t allow location services, Notification plugin will still provide you this information by automatically updating it as billing address from the check-out process.

2. Notification Preview

With this update, you can actually see how your notification will be displayed on your customers’ devices while creating them. This immediate feedback will surely improve the quality of your notifications as well as your sales number!

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3. Notification Schedule

Perfect timing has always been a critical element in every marketing campaign, and you’ll get the full control over it with our new update. In fact, you can choose the exact time when your customers are more likely to be active to send your notifications so that the rate of users opening notifications will be improved effectively.

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4. More Customer Filter Options

Further than filtering customers based on store view, country, devices or date of registration; with this update you can even classify your customers by state or the number of orders purchased. Better customers classifications will definitely go along with better-designed notifications so that they will fit perfectly a specific user group.

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5. Notification Click Rate

The selling point of this new update is in the ability to report the Click Rate of your notifications. This direct feedback is a very useful tool measuring the effectiveness of your campaign and also tracking your customer preferences.

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These amazing Notification Features above will definitely be the key contributory factor for the success of your direct personal communication. So don't waste time hesitating and reach out for it now!


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