
Showing posts from March, 2018

SimiCart Push Notification Feature Update

SimiCart has been making huge processes of enhancing mobile marketing effectiveness for your stores, especially with Notification settings. Indeed, managing and executing marketing campaigns via Push Notification plugin is now much easier and more beneficial thanks to the following updates: 1. Customer Information Automatic Update Normally, whenever your customers open your app, Push Notification plugin will immediately send Device ID and also other information including location , email , and App information to your server. But in the old version, the email field would not be filled if users didn’t voluntarily provide it first; and it can get worse: you wouldn’t get customers’ location via Push Notification plugin if location services were disabled. In this updated version, Notification plugin will solve these issues above by automatically updating customers’ emails in the Device Manager as it would be required during the logging in or checking out process. Even though your custo

Introducing SimiCart Smart Banner

Developing and owning a native mobile app is a critical move in today's mobile-first world. People are turning to their devices to shop anytime, anywhere. With everything at their fingertips, they are demanding a better shopping experience on mobile. Creating a mobile experience beyond expectation is the key to engage customers and keep them coming back. With deep understanding of user behavior on mobile and also their expectations and needs, SimiCart has released Smart Banner feature in the beginning of 2018. This feature is expected to solve app promotion problems for you - store owners. What is SimiCart Smart Banner? SimiCart Smart Banner adds a small rectangular banner on top of the mobile website screen to inform and drive users to install the native app . The banner consists of the app logo, app name, developer/company name, a bried call-to-action text, and a button that leads user directly to the app's installation page on Apple App Store (if it's iOS) and Google Pla