
Showing posts from April, 2019

What Is Headless Commerce, and How It Benefits Merchants

With consumers getting used to consuming content and making purchases through various touch points. From IoT devices to progressive web apps. Legacy eCommerce platforms are struggling to keep up with the demands of the customer. Amazon Dash buttons, smart voice assistants and in-store interfaces are amazing feature. They giving consumers new ways to explore product information, read reviews and place orders. In other words, consumers are embracing the IoT era, even if most retailers haven’t (yet). eCommerce brands moving with this trend are reaping the rewards (hi there, Amazon). While others are wondering how they can get in on the action without having to invent their own technical devices. The answer is headless content management — and by extension, headless commerce. What is Headless? Headless eCommerce is a situation where the front-end of a site is de-coupled from the eCommerce platform and other systems. The ‘presentation layer’ (the front-end) is separated from the commerce la