
Showing posts from February, 2019

Evolution of Web Technology: The PWA Moment [Infographic]

The web is the primary tool for billions of people to interact with each other by creating, sharing and consuming information, which is accessed via the internet using a web browser. The history of the web dates back to a few decades ago. From those early days to the present, it has taken a long journey with significant technology advancements. Brief history of the web This infographic provides an overview into different stages of the evolution of web technology since its advent. As the way users interact online is ever changing, the web technology radically evolves to reflect the shifting user interactions on the web. Early adopters of the latest advancement are more likely to outperform their competitors, as the technology makes its way into the mainstream. We’ll take a look at the emerging technology that revolutionizes the web today and how businesses can take advantage to boost website performance and gain a competitive edge. Explore emerging technology to transform web experience