
Showing posts from December, 2018

The Best Tools to Develop Progressive Web Apps (PWA) for Magento

The Best Tools to Build Progressive Web Apps (PWA) for Magento React Redux Webpack Material-UI Chrome DevTools Lighthouse Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) provide the opportunities for Magento merchants to achieve the best site performance possible. It empowers businesses to make changes and remove barrier so they can deliver a fast & engaging mobile experience. With  speed and capabilities of a native app, PWA allows shoppers to complete their task quicker and therefore are easier to convert.  While PWAs are quickly growing in popularity, there are a variety of tools that developers can utilize to create a better PWA experience. In this post, we'll explore the best tools to build Progressive Web App (PWA) for Magento. The best PWA development tools for Magento React First you need an application framework for your Magento PWA frontend. React is the most popular JavaScript-based library for front-end web development, with over 117K stars on GitHub. Backed by Facebook, the l

10 most-viewed blog posts of 2018 from SimiCart

2018 was all about ecommerce. As 2019 is upon us, the time could not be more perfect to prepare your business for a successful new year. Ultimately, the best way to do that is to take a look back at the highlights of the previous year. Here is the best ecommerce insights, tips and news from SimiCart Blog in 2018, so you can carry them into the coming year: SimiCart's 10 most-read ecommerce blog posts of 2018 1.  What Is PWA? All You Need to Know About Progressive Web Apps Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) have the potential to be the next advancement for the mobile web. The technology was originally proposed by Google just a couple of years back in 2015. Within such a short time, it has already attracted a lot of attention for its superior level of performance and user experience delivery. With its speed, layout flexibility and feature capability, PWA is destined to replace desktop site, mobile site, and even native mobile apps. Find out everything you need to know about PWAs 2.  Adobe a

Benefits of a Progressive Web App (PWA) for Your Business

Benefits of Progressive Web Apps for E-commerce Fast Reliable Engaging Secured Discoverable and shareable Save data Cross-browser/device No app stores Always up-to-date Save time and resources First thing first, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are the mobile apps that progressively load and run in a web browser. As the latest advancement in web technology, they are quickly become the standard to bring almost all advantages of a native app to the web. PWA has been receiving a lot of attention since it was introduced as an open-source initiative driven by Google .  Why Progressive Web Apps? As today's shoppers are on the go, mobile is playing a significant role to influence their buying decisions. Despite the continuing shift from desktop to mobile shopping, retailers are struggling with mobile conversion rate, which is lower than that on desktop. With the consistent growth of mobile usage, brands must prioritize and optimize mobile shopping experience, or risk missing huge

Benefits of a Progressive Web App (PWA) for Your Business

Benefits of Progressive Web Apps for E-commerce Fast Reliable Engaging Secured Discoverable and shareable Save data Cross-browser/device No app stores Always up-to-date Save time and resources First thing first, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are the mobile apps that progressively load and run in a web browser. As the latest advancement in web technology, they are quickly become the standard to bring almost all advantages of a native app to the web. PWA has been receiving a lot of attention since it was introduced as an open-source initiative driven by Google .  Why Progressive Web Apps? As today's shoppers are on the go, mobile is playing a significant role to influence their buying decisions. Despite the continuing shift from desktop to mobile shopping, retailers are struggling with mobile conversion rate, which is lower than that on desktop. With the consistent growth of mobile usage, brands must prioritize and optimize mobile shopping experience, or risk missing huge

What Is PWA: All You Need to Know About Progressive Web Apps

You should know up front that this post is written on a marketing point of view. (Well, I can read and write some HTML and CSS, I can understand Javascript to some extent, but that doesn’t make me a techie). What is PWA? PWA ( P rogressive W eb A pps) are basically web apps, which are applications on the web. The term was first introduced by Google back in 2015. The “progressive” part, according to Pete LePage - Google Developer Advocate, can be explained as “as the user progressively builds a relationship with the app over time, it becomes more and more powerful”. Make no mistake: Progressive Web Apps are still websites. They just look and feel like an app, thanks to modern web technology. This means users will browse Progressive Web Apps on their browser with an URL just like they do any website, but right after they land on the PWA, they get the experience of using an "app", right on their browser, without the need to download and install. How cool is that! Being an “app”