
Showing posts from August, 2018

Better customer experience: start with customer journey mapping [infographic]

With the rise of mobile and explosion in digital content, today's customers experience brand uniquely depending on their preferred channel. Mobile has opened up too many touch points for them to interact with before making a purchase. Following a simple linear path of the traditional sales funnel is no longer enough to understand the increasingly complex customer experience. As a result, it now requires a different strategy for brands to manage customer experience across the entire journey. In this case, customer journey mapping would do a better job of providing a holistic view into how they interact and engage with your brand, allowing you to improve overall experience. What is Customer Journey Mapping? Customer journey map is the visualization of the end-to-end customer experience with your brand. Illustrating the steps your customers go through, it uncovers the insights you need to serve them with the content, products and offers in line with their desires. Your brand can build

10 Best Magento Affiliate Extension Providers in 2018

When the cost to acquire a new customer continues to rise, affiliate marketing is proven to be one of the most cost-effective acquisition channel for online businesses. You don't have to look very far to see its impact. In 2010, Amazon has derived a whopping 40% of its more than $34 billion in sales from its affiliate program. There's no doubt that an affiliate program done right can create a significant boost on your online revenue. In an extremely competitive online market, affiliate marketing can be the key for businesses to gain an advantage. The performance based marketing model is one of its biggest advantages as affiliates are only be paid when they have benefited your business. Without requiring a lot of time, money and efforts put into it, implementing an affiliate program is a low-risk and affordable way to earn a second revenue stream for your Magento store. With an affiliate extension, you're more likely to set up a proper affiliate program within your Magento.

10 Best Magento Development Companies for Small Businesses 2018

For a flexible platform with robust customization capabilities like Magento, you'll need to master at least some development skills to set up and maintain your branded Magento store. With no technical background, typical users would not find it easy and convenient to do it on their own. As the platform requires you to provide your own hosting, install, set up and configure everything before getting a Magento store off the ground, you may need a hand in these technically challenging tasks. In this case, using Magento development services from a reliable provider would be the perfect solution for you as the store owner. To maximize the platform's full potential, choosing a cost-effective Magento development solution is crucial - especially for small businesses with limited resources and budget. If you are looking for affordable and reliable Magento development services, here is a list of 10 top rated companies for your consideration: 10 best magento development companies for smal

10 Best cin 2018

Offered as a free tool, Google Analytics is the biggest name when it comes to web analytics. The analytics tool by Google is the all-time most popular platform out there in the digital world - with a massive adoption of more than 10 million users. While having access to a huge amount of data, some users may find the tool rather hard to use. Like any other fast-growing platforms in the technology industry, Google Analytics is in constant evolution. Numerous changes and updates on the platform force its users to continuously keep up and re-learn how to make it work. With a steep learning curve, this can be a time-consuming and frustrating task for those without proper training or hands-on experience. Luckily, there are several Google Analytics alternatives available for you to get away with. In this post, we have put together 10 top-rated solutions among them so you can save time in finding your best fit. To be qualified as a Googe Analytics alternative, all listed platforms have embrace