
Showing posts from January, 2018

5 mobile commerce metrics to track and improve in 2018

The right mobile commerce metrics to improve Mobile has been creating a flood of new opportunities for business over the years, and this coming year is not an exception. But driving growth in mobile takes a lot of works to improve. As the new year is ahead of us, It's time to work on how you want your mobile business to develop. Your mobile business growth starts with goals. Focusing on the right mobile commerce metrics to measure performance is the key to reach your goals and drive growth. Understanding where you are and where you need to go helps you set more meaningful goals and targets. If you are looking to keep track on your mobile business in 2018, here are some suggestions on what you should pay attention to:   Push notification opt-ins Push notification is the most powerful messaging channel for your brand to reach customers on their devices. But the ability to use this channel to communicate with them and strengthen customer relationships is limited by its opt-ins: Users