
Showing posts from November, 2017

How top brands win customer experience with mobile apps

Customer experience on mobile is the key Today's customers are having increasingly growing expectation and demand for a better shopping experience. Meanwhile, businesses are still finding it difficult to keep up with this rapid change. Customers are willing to spend up to five times as much for a great shopping experience compared to a poor one. At the same time, brands leading shopping experience outperform ones with poor experience by 500% in growth (MoBlog). Once shoppers have positive interactions with a brand, it raises their expectation from others. They are loyal to brands that deliver the best customer experience and soon drop those that can't meet their demand. Brands looking to leverage their customer experience should be focus their efforts on mobile - where they spend most of their time. Mobile has been a critical part of every customer journey in this mobile first world. 45% of shopping trips include mobile shopping, according to Facebook IQ. Brands at the top of t